
Cookies? Nope, no-one’s baking anything. Here’s the simplest way to describe a cookie:Imagine that you’re a first-time customer in a great big store. When you walk in, the greeter pats you invisibly on the back, and slips a business card in your


Called hypertext markup language, HTML ain’t very daunting if you start easy.Think of a page from a textbook from your high school days. Now imagine that it all had to be typed out on an old-time typewriter, and you couldn’t make some


POP3 mail POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol 3. That’s because your server acts very much like a real post office. Here’s how it goes. Firstly, You have to have an agreement with some server somewhere to act as your post office,


Just as a server in a restaurant hands you dishes and salt-shakers and drinks; a computer-type server hands you files like graphics and webpages and your email. Think of it as a smart, fast computer sitting blindly on a steel rack somewhere,