A working analogy: A website is personal to you – It’s like a collection of all the contents of your home or small business – your photos, your art, your writing, your files, your structure, and sometimes the installed software that does
To help you think about the concepts we employ… The World Wide Web is a World Wide Town Your computer is like an assistance dog, trained to run and fetch things for you to look at. Your website is your collection of
Cookies? Nope, no-one’s baking anything. Here’s the simplest way to describe a cookie:Imagine that you’re a first-time customer in a great big store. When you walk in, the greeter pats you invisibly on the back, and slips a business card in your
Called hypertext markup language, HTML ain’t very daunting if you start easy.Think of a page from a textbook from your high school days. Now imagine that it all had to be typed out on an old-time typewriter, and you couldn’t make some
When you build a website or contract to have one built, you decide what fonts (typefaces) you’d like to use. (Fonts can be in word-graphics, like in a logo, or in navigation bars. Human eyes can see this as text, but it’s
POP3 mail POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol 3. That’s because your server acts very much like a real post office. Here’s how it goes. Firstly, You have to have an agreement with some server somewhere to act as your post office,
Design is more than the look of the page and the fonts you choose. It’s also how the material is presented an used, how the navigation gets you from place to place, plus any interactivity — like forms, or membership log-in areas.In
A webpage, generally, is a single file, with perhaps other files attached to it (by means of the author linking stuff within the text of the document), such as graphics, sounds, or scripts.When you type in a URL (the wordy version of
A website is just any size of collection of files on a server. If we’re talking about the website covered under the domain name TechDonkey.com, all the techdonkey files will be sitting on that server. Webpage files here, graphics here, mail over
Just as a server in a restaurant hands you dishes and salt-shakers and drinks; a computer-type server hands you files like graphics and webpages and your email. Think of it as a smart, fast computer sitting blindly on a steel rack somewhere,